Kaveh Vares (b. 1982) is a versatile composer who creates music in many different styles and collaborates with artists across various fields. He works with orchestras and ensembles, composes for dance and theater productions, and writes music for films and TV series. Alongside his composing work, Vares is the artistic director of the Composing for FIlm Master’s program at the Conservatory of Amsterdam.
He coaches sound designers and runs courses and workshops on sound and music for young filmmakers at the Netherlands Film Academy. He is also an adviser on music and music education for the Amsterdamse Kunstraad.
Curriculum Vitae
2013-2015: Master degree in Film music Composition at Conservatorium van Amsterdam
2012-2014: Master degree in Classical music Composition at Conservatorium van Amsterdam
2007-2012: Bachelor in Classical Music Composition at Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA)
2005-2007: Classical Music Composition at Yerevan State Conservatory of Armenia
2001-2005: Bachelor in Applied Physics- Science and Research University of Tehran
- Composer of classical/contemporary music for concert performances, dance and theater, film and tv
- Orchestrator and arranger of music- Pianist, Persian tanbur player and singer in Persian style
- Artistic leader and main subject teacher of Composing for Film Master's program at Conservatory of Amsterdam
- Teacher of sound design at the Netherlands Film Academy
- Teacher of classical music orchestration at Conservatory of Amsterdam
- Music coach at the Netherlands Film Academy
- Music coach at the Academy for Theater and Dance Amsterdam
- Music advisor at Amsterdamse Kunstraad
Recent compositions and projects:
-2024- I Shall See- Feature fiction film- Labyrinth Film Production, Directed by Mercedes Stalenhoef
-2023- SK13- Feature documentary film- Produced and Directed by Tony Zierra
-2023- Sansur- Feature documentary film- Directed by Mostafa Heravy- premier at One World Film Festival Prague
-2022- Chasing the [Blank] - dance theater music composition - produced by Korzo Theater Den Haag
-2021- WILD- electroacoustic dance theater music for MAAT saxophone quartet and Dance Theater AYA
-2021- Femi - feature film music composition - produced by Studio Ruba
-2021- Bach Dag - arrangement and musical dramaturgy - produced by Perforator
-2021- Bihar el Hawa - pop album music composition for singer Karima el Fillali - produced by World of Wils
-2020- Buurmans Keukenparade - musical dramaturgy for theater - produced by Plan d
-2020- Egidius - for voice and violoncello - produced by Cello Biennale Amsterdam
-2020- Opera Arianna – composition for orchestra - produced by World Opera Lab
-2019- Hanging Gardens - a piece for cello, santoor and daf - produced by Gaudeamus
-2019- Moja Polska - documentary series - produced by vpro - on NPO2
-2018- Gewoon Held - theater performance - produced by Het Laagland
-2018- We Are Not Princesses - film music composition for documentary - on Amazon Prime
-2017- FENIX – composition for TV series - produced by Lemming Film - on Netflix
-2017- Opera Ontheemd - composition for orchestra - produced by Orkest de Ereprijs
-2017- I call my brothers - music for dance theater - produced by Dance Theater AYA / De Toneelmakerij
-2017- Guerrilla - music for dance theater - produced by Dance Theater AYA.
-2016- Dark but Light - electro acoustic music composition for Nederlands Blazers Ensemble - produced by NBE
-2016- Let’s Dance - electro acoustic music composition for Nederlands Blazers Ensemble - produced by NBE
-2016- Sluier - music for dance theater - produced by Dance Theater AYA
-2015- Area D Five - story music composition - produced by Nederland Blazer Ensemble
-2015- Tarikat - film music composition for documentary - produced by NFA
-2015- Done non – composition for orchestra and DJ - produced by Amsterdam Dance Event